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Artistic Impressions by Lynette Moore
Chickadee 6x6
Chickadee 6"x6"
Robin 6x6
Oriole 6x6
Hummingbird 6x6
Finch 6x6
Finch 6"x6"
Flicker 6x6
Flicker 6"x6"
Meadowlark 6x6
Blue jay 8x10
Ssandhill Crane 8x6
Thistle Bee 6x3
Manatee 8x10
Manatee 10x8
Manatee 10"x8"
Tarpon 8x6
Sheepshead 8x6
Pelican on post 6x8
Pelican 6x8
Heron 6x8
Egret 6x8
Tailing Redfish 3x6
Trout - brown 6x6
Trout - rainbow 6x6
Good Day 4x11.75
Horney Toad 6x15 .75
Woodcock 14x31
Click on the image for an enlargement.
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